Monday, 18 June 2012

'92 Love Album

Gareth hit his 30's yesterday, meaning that we are all a bunch of 30 something's. We now have a combined age of 92. This probably explains the cramp that he's been getting recently.

Tour was great again, you can read all about it once I've written it up. I'm a bit behind with the tour diaries (three tours to be exact), but I plan on doing them during my six week holiday at the end of this academic year.

And, we have new t-shirts! They are available at our shows for a measly £5. Talking of which, we have a couple of London shows coming up in the next couple of weeks. Both have great line ups and if you come to both, it'll only cost you £4. You should have enough change to buy a t-shirt and the split 10-inch-with-a-Clean-Kitchen-is-a-Happy-Kitchen-that-comes-with-a-CD. That itself is only a fiver. Oh, and beer is cheap at both venues, meaning you can probably also afford an SF tote bag.

Happy Birthday!

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