Tuesday 17 February 2015

Hello, Twenny Fifteen!

No post in 6 months might suggest that we haven't been up to much; we haven't been up to much in the last 6 months. However, some small things have happened, and we are back writing songs.

Just before Christmas, we included this on a charity compilation. It's a cover of Sonic Youth's I Dreamed I Dream. We recorded it at the same time as the Misanthrope split single many years ago.

Then, as 2015 approached, we featured in a few end of year 'best of 2014' lists:
Procurement Records Blog put Trust as 10th best noise rock album
And Noise R' Us in France included Trust in their top albums We are there as number 1, but that might just be that ours was released first!
Then French website, Mowno, put Trust at 32nd in their top 50 We reckon Shellac and Beck were properly gutted to see us triumph over them.

To see in 2015, Phil, Gareth and I went to The Lamb in Surbiton for a Sci Fi fancy dress party. We didn't bother dressing up. That night I discovered the joys of Oakham Brewery's Citra ale, lost my keys, and dreamt about Oakham Brewery's Citra ale when I went to bed.
Gareth took a photo just after 12:

Then I turned 34 ten days later :-(

In the following weeks we got booked to play a few shows. All the information is in gig section, or on the right hand side if you're using a desktop computer.

See you soon.